
Sunday, March 2, 2014


This post is clearly very late but life is busy so..better late than never.

January was a great month and went by too quickly. C turned 2! We took her to the zoo for her birthday and then had a small party at our house where she had fish and chips for her birthday dinner! She got lots of great gifts and had a really great day.

I can't remember what this lizard is called but C liked seeing the animals this close and touching them


E reading the map

Not so sure about the Kookaburra

Wild lizard!

very large tortoise

scary dino

they were walking the baby tigers too! C desperately wanted to pet them

C's favorite part was feeding the sheep

Terry, Bindi and Robert Irwin were at the zoo the day that we went!

C's watermelon "cake"

Birthday present from Mom and Dad

Baby E

C loves her baby sister so much


  1. Some how I missed all of these. Great photos. Love Grandma

  2. I see now, I didn't miss them you just posted them.
