
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Homemade Liquid Dish Soap

I recently posted about making my own cleaning products at home and wrote about a recipe I used to make homemade liquid dish soap.

We really loved the recipe but it was a bit too watery for our liking so yesterday, when we ran out of dish soap I decided to try a new recipe and so far I'm very happy with the result.

Because I've just completed my first batch of castile laundry stain stick soap I decided to use this to make my new dish soap.

Recipe for Homemade Liquid Dish Soap:

1/2 liquid castile soap
1/4 cup shredded laundry stain stick, grated
1/4 cup white vinegar
2 tbl washing soda
1 tbl tea tree oil
boiling hot water, probably 3-4 cups

This soap is incredibly easy to make.

First I grated my bar of soap into a large bowl:

I then added all of the other ingredients to the bowl (sorry I don't have a photo of that) and then slowly added the boiling water and stirred. 

I then let the mixture sit for several hours to cool (I should have left it overnight to settle and completely dissolve the shredded bar soap) and poured it into my dish soap bottle. Easy peasy. This soap is much thicker and smells great too! 
Enjoy :) 

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