
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Baby Led Weaning

She loves her pets! 
Above: Tesla and Chuck
Below: Mishka and Chuck 

We've recently starting trying to feed Chucky solid food the conventional way - mashed up and on a spoon - and she's not having it. She turns away and refuses to let us feed her so we're trying something alternative and it's working wonderfully. It's called Baby Led Weaning, basically it's just sharing the food that you're eating with your baby. It's very simple and she loves it! I've just been cutting things up to make them stick-like and baby size and she grabs them and puts them in her mouth to try out the texture and taste. It's a lot less work for us - unless you count the cleaning up part - and she's actually enjoying it.

She's had toast with peanut butter and vegemite - both of which she loved - banana, fake chicken strips, vegan banana pancakes, broccoli, apple, carrot, pb & j, mashed potato and recently strawberry which we think is her favorite and also probably the messiest. It's a lot of fun to watch her work out how to put the food in her mouth and she seems to really enjoy exploring new tastes and textures.

Here are a few photos of her enjoying some new foods.

vegan banana pancakes


very messy strawberry....

We miss all of you Americans!

Mama and Chucky in an outfit I made :) 

Dad, Mishka and Chucky

Mother Blessing Quilt

I’ve FINALLY finished Chuck’s quilt from the Mother’s Blessing! It’s taken me MUCH longer that I thought it would because well…I have an infant to take care of and nothing gets done quickly. I love how the quilt has turned out even though I will do things differently when I make another quilt (whenever that may be) Chucky really seems to love the finished product. When she has her tummy and no-nappy time she plays with the strings and looks at all the different squares. Thank you to all who brought a square!

the squares sewn together

Finished product!

We’re all doing quite well. The weather hasn’t been ideal, a lot of rain lately, but when it is nice we make sure to get out into the sun and soak up some of that much needed vitamin D.

Chucky is nearly crawling and has been recently saying “mama,” we’re not quite sure if it’s on purpose yet but last night when Brett and I went to a Cirque Du Soliel show (which was amazing!) she was fussy when Whitney tried putting her down for the night and kept saying “mama” when she was crying. I’m so glad I didn’t know because I’m sure I would have left the show immediately to come home. I can’t believe how much she’s growing and changing lately. She has so much personality for a 6 month old. She’s usually very independent but has been quite the Mama’s girl lately (which I don't mind at all)

We haven’t been up to anything new lately; I’ve been sewing a lot and Brett is currently working on an exciting side project. J


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Agave Nectar

For years I was under the impression that agave nectar was a natural and healthy alternative to other sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup and because I don’t really enjoy maple syrup I used this sweetener often in oatmeal and baked goods. Just recently has it come to my attention that this “natural” sweetener might not be so healthy or natural.

I’ve been doing a bit of research into natural sweeteners because Brett and I have recently stopped eating processed sugar. We still eat fruit, maple syrup and honey and we were going to start eating agave nectar until I found several articles that may have changed my mind. Unfortunately, though, I had already bought -a very expensive- bottle before I read the articles and we may eat this bottle in great moderation instead of just throwing it out. I also found some interesting information about coconut sugar and decided to pick some up at the local organic foods store. I used it in beer biscuits last night and was very pleased with the result. I don’t think we’ll really use coconut sugar much because we’re actually doing very well with this no-sugar diet but it’s nice to have on hand - just in case.

Last week was actually quite relaxing. Chucky and I went to our first movie; we saw Snow White and the Huntsman, there are tons of cinemas in Brisbane that host Babes in Arms showings where you can bring your baby and not worry about them crying or making noise. I think she enjoyed the movie and being with her new friend Darcy and she even slept for a good portion of the movie so I could enjoy it too.
Soaking up some vitamin D 

Chuck cool

Hat, shoes and card that Nana sent from America :) 

She is growing so quickly. In just the last two days she’s seemed to mature so much. She’s trying to stand on her own and she has many new facial expressions. We’ve signed up for another quarter of Baby Sensory and we may start going to baby yoga.
Dancing with Dad

Happy baby

Mom and baby

I’ve been sort of working on a small business idea but am unsure about the details of it yet. Brett is still enjoying work and is working on a new project at home. All in all, we’re well.