The recipe was super simple and it turned out great!
All you need is:
cream of tar tar
coconut oil
essential oils (I wanted to make them smell nice...even though I think that may have prompted C to try eating it..)
food coloring
All you do then is put everything (minus the coloring and essential oil) in a pot on the stove on low heat
all of the ingredients (minus the essential oils and coloring)
Mix all the ingredients together until they're not so lumpy
The ingredients starting to come together and not look so lumpy
When the mixture isn't lumpy anymore add the coloring and essential oils
after adding the essential oil and color (this batch was yellow and smells of grapefruit)
a bit more mixing
And then mix until the dough comes away from the sides of the pot and sticks together in the center (you'll need a sturdy spoon for this) then lay it on a non-stick surface to cool.
the play-doh after cooking. It comes away from the sides and sticks together. This is when it's ready to be laid out on a non-stick surface to cool.
C loves playing with it! I also made some that smells like lavender and is purple (she didn't want to eat that one as much)